lead project developer at darkhorse analytics
occasional designer, full-time colour enjoyer
a clear visual and an engaging story can change the world. i want to use my skills to help improve the lives of people everywhere, and i want to help other devs to do the same.
be kind, tell the truth, believe in something, and above all, chill and hang out :)
opportunity atlas
aidsvu interactive map
climate vulnerability index
social capital atlas
precision for covid
alberta biodiversity reporting
which places in america offer children the best chance to rise out of poverty?
aidsvu interactive map
how is the HIV epidemic impacting communities across the united states?
climate vulnerability index
which communities face the greatest challenges from the impacts of a changing climate?
social capital atlas
how does social capital connect to children's chances of rising out of poverty?
precision for covid
how can government officials, policymakers, and citizens better plan, prepare, and respond to COVID-19?
alberta biodiversity reporting
what's the status of land cover and biodiversity in alberta?
bully me until i finish these projects:
a "computer game" and a love letter to online scavenger hunts
a colour scale builder with features you didn't know you wanted